Skulls in Menus


SimpleLinks supports using skulls as menu items! You may do this via the built in spigot system or using HeadDatabase / Skulls is a free alternative.

If the head appears as a steve or alex the Minecraft skin servers may be down, leave it for a few hours and check back later on. (When using spigot system only)

Spigot System Tutorial

The first step is to set your item to SKULL_ITEM

        material: "SKULL_ITEM"

Then you must set the durability/data value to 3

        data: 3

Then the final step is to add this

        skullOwner: "Username Here"

Now you have setup your skull item!

Example Spigot System Item

      material: SKULL_ITEM
      skullOwner: "Refracxx"
      data: 3
      name: "&eWebsite"
        - "&7Click to receive a link to the website."
        enabled: true
          - "&eWebsite: &d"
      slot: 10

Example Head Database Tutorial

The only step is to add

     head-database: true
     skullOwner: "Username/ID Here"

You may find ID's on the head website.

Your material, amount, durability/data will be ignored as it's not needed for that item.

Example Head Database Item

      material: DOUBLE_PLANT
      head-database: true
      skullOwner: "6569"
      data: 0
      name: "&eDiscord"
        - "&7Click to receive a link to the discord."
        enabled: true
          - "&eDiscord: &d"
      slot: 12

Example Skulls Head Database Tutorial

The only step is to add

     skulls: true
     skullOwner: "ID Here"

You may find ID's on the head website.

Your material, amount, durability/data will be ignored as it's not needed for that item.

Example Skulls Head Database Item

      material: DOUBLE_PLANT
      skulls: true
      skullOwner: "6569"
      data: 0
      name: "&eStore"
        - "&7Click to receive a link to the store."
        enabled: true
          - "&eStore: &d"
      slot: 14

Player Heads (Head Database)

You may use this link to create a give code which should work in the same id section like normal;

If this does not work you may try manually adding it to the database;

Submit this form:

Please note this form can take 2+ months to be processed. So you may not find it on the site tell then.

Last updated